
时间:2023-11-23 17:39:24





  Leo: Now, what did you have in mind?A full day tour?

  Jack: Yes.

  Mona: The zoo looks good.1 love animals.

  Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what's something we can only see in this city?

  Leo: Well, you're in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow. lt's very colourful.

  Mona: Is it near the harbour?I'd love to see the harbour.

  Jack:We have harbours in Australia, Mona.

  Leo: Now, what did you have in mind?A full day tour?

  剩奥: 您想参加什么样的旅游线路?是一日游吗?

  Jack: Yes.

  杰克: 是的`。

  Mona: The zoo looks good. I love animals.

  蒙纳: 动物园这个景点看起来不错,我喜欢动物。

  Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what'ssomething we can only see in this city?

  杰克: 可是,蒙纳,动物园哪里都有啊。利奥,这个城市值得一看的、独特的东西是什么?

  Leo: Well, you're in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow.lt's very colourful.

  利奥: 对了,你们真的很幸运。元宵节灯会就在明天举行。那是一个五彩缤纷的活动。

  Mona: Is it near the harbour?l'd love to see the harbour.

  蒙纳: 它是在海港附近举行的吗?我想看看海港。

  Jack:We have harbours in Australia, Mona.

  杰克: 澳洲也有很多海港可以看呀,蒙纳。


  Leo: Now, what did you have in mind?

  利奥: 您想参加什么样的旅游线路?

  WHAT DID YOU HAVE IN MIND?剩奥在这里使用了英语中的过去式。当然,如果为了使句子更加生动,利奥也可以用一般现在式。他可以说WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN MIND?另外,我们还可以用另外一句英语表达同样的意思,那就是WHAT SORT OF TOUR WERE YOU AFTER?在英语中,TO BE AFTER SOMETHING这个短语表示你想要做什么事的意思。现在让我们一起来练习这两个短语。

  What did you have in mind?

  What did you have in mind?

  What sort of tour were you after?

  What sort of tour were you after?

